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Top 3000 construction companies in Poland
25 Feb 2021
At the beginning of 2021 we expanded our database of the largest construction companies in Poland by adding a thousand new firms. Available as an Excel file, the database of construction companies is a useful tool supporting the analysis of the competitive environment in the contracting sector. It also comes in handy when you look for a contracting company or a subcontractor. The database is particularly useful when choosing or screening companies by revenue, profitability, or location. The database presents financial data relating to sales revenue and net profit/loss going as far back as 2010.
Based on an analysis of 2019 revenue, a company needed to report sales revenue of PLN 8m to make it to the top 3000 list, whereas securing a spot in the top 1000 meant revenue of nearly PLN 40m. Companies reporting sales revenue of over PLN 75m were able to successfully compete for a place in the top 500. The threshold of nearly PLN 120m was sufficient to be among the top 300. If a company posted sales revenue of more than PLN 170m, it stood a chance of earning a top 200 ranking. To crack the top 100 construction companies, companies needed to report sales revenue of more than PLN 300m.
Quite many medium-sized companies find it difficult to exceed the PLN 100m revenue mark – we identified 366 such companies in our database. There are also more than 700 construction firms with revenue topping PLN 50m in there.
It is important that our database is always kept up to date – it features only active companies that generate sufficient revenue from one year to another. We exclude special-purpose vehicles which are established to manage a single contract or a property development project on a one-off basis.
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