Media commentary

Budapest Business Journal | 40 largest construction companies in Poland post a record PLN 50bn in revenue

18 Dec 2019

The top 40 construction groups reported PLN 49.7 billion (some €11.7bn) in aggregate revenue in 2018. That represented 31% of total revenue posted by medium-sized construction firms and large construction companies, i.e. companies which employ more than nine workers, according to the latest report by Spectis, entitled "Construction Companies in Poland 2019-2023".

The top five construction groups in Poland, Budimex, Strabag, Skanska, Porr and Erbud, account for just under 9% of the entire construction sector’s value in terms of output, and they also represent 12% of revenue reported by construction companies that employ more than nine members of staff, Spectis said.

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